Read Time: <10 minutes
Date: November 5, 2020
The journal “Addictive Behaviors” (109, (2020), 106479, May 2020) released a study, “What is the prevalence and risk of cannabis use disorders among people who use cannabis? A systematic review and meta-analysis” by authors J. Leung ( The recent meta-analysis sought to examine the prevalence and risks of cannabis use disorders, cannabis abuse and cannabis dependency by a review of related published studies from 2009 – 2019.
Some key points cited in the report include:
- Cannabis users have a 20% risk of developing a cannabis use disorder
- The risk increases if cannabis use is initiated early and used often
- 1 in 3 people risk cannabis dependency if used weekly to near daily
- Those who use cannabis need to be informed about potential health risks
- The potency (THC) of today’s cannabis is at a historically high levels