Older cannabis users are at greater risk of hospitalization or other adverse health outcome due to their age, co-existing health conditions, and interactions with prescribed medications. The results of a 15-year data analysis (2005-2019), of California hospital records, noted that cannabis-related visits to an Emergency Room (ER) for those over[Read More…]
When “ACEs” Are Not A Winning Hand: Kids and Cannabis
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for kids under 12 increase the risk of persistent cannabis use later in life by three-fold. ACEs, for children, are incidents of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, bullying, parental substance use or abuse, violence between parents, parental mental health problems or suicide, parental[Read More…]
Marijuana edibles linked to increased poison center calls for kids
Nationally, calls to poison control centers due to children, under age six, eating marijuana edibles increased by over 6-fold from 2017 to 2021. Three years was the median age for these marijuana edible exposure calls. Two-year olds were the largest group, accounting over 25 percent of all pediatric edible exposure[Read More…]
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