Tag: ondcp

San Diego HIDTA: California Impact Report

Our colleagues at the San Diego Imperial HIDTA have published a new report on the impacts of marijuana in the state of California.  All four California HIDTA offices contributed to the report, which has excellent information regarding the current impacts of marijuana, as well as the potential impacts on the state of[Read More…]

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2016 Colorado Impact Report

Our colleagues at the Rocky Mountain HIDTA have published a new impact report, detailing marijuana’s effects on the state of Colorado.  Visit their site to view the full report, to view past reports, or to learn more about the RMHIDTA and its work.

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DEA Will NOT Reschedule Marijuana

The DEA recently made several significant announcements regarding marijuana.  Most importantly, the agency’s acting administrator has denied two separate petitions to reschedule marijuana.  Under the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana has a schedule 1 classification; this means that it has high potential for abuse, and no currently accepted medicinal use. The agency[Read More…]

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Rocky Mountain Rebuttal of The Denver Post

The Rocky Mountain HIDTA has published a rebuttal to an article published in The Denver Post that stated that marijuana use rates among teens were flat.  The article stated that a small increase in use among teens was not statistically significant, and the Rocky Mountain report aims to delve deeper into the[Read More…]

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Marijuana Use During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

There is evidence that maternal marijuana use during pregnancy is associated with some delivery complications; babies being born with low birth-weights; and possibly a ventricular septal defect (a hole in a baby’s heart). There is also some research suggesting that marijuana use during pregnancy is related to abnormal early-childhood and adolescent behavior,[Read More…]

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Northwest HIDTA: Washington Impact Report

Our colleagues at the Northwest HIDTA have published a report on the impacts marijuana has had on Washington state since it was legalized there in 2012.  The report’s biggest conclusions were that adults in Washington state rank among the highest users of marijuana in the nation; pot is disrupting the[Read More…]

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Update: Marijuana Not Harmless

The Psychology of Addictive Behaviors has published a new, contradictory update to a recent journal article that concluded marijuana was harmless. The newer article reports a review of the statistical methods used in the first piece and concludes that, in direct contradiction to the first study’s conclusion, there are 2.5 times as many incidences[Read More…]

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Lung Diseases and Infections

Many people feel that because marijuana is a plant, that it is “all natural” and good for them. But marijuana can have similar health consequences to tobacco, especially among those who use it regularly. Frequent marijuana users have been found to suffer from chronic bronchitis, coughing on most days, excess[Read More…]

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Changes in the Brain and Decreases in IQ

There are conflicting studies about whether or not marijuana use can create physical changes in the brain or even lower people’s IQs.  But even if there are no physical changes to the brain, most agree that there are noticeable changes in the behavior of those who use marijuana.  Studies have found[Read More…]

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