“I’m okay to drive.” But, in reality are you and how do you know for sure? A new report in JAMA Psychiatry (January 26, 2022) examines a person self-perception of feeling high after using marijuana. Authors Marcotte (et.al.) point out that the impairment felt after using marijuana can last for hours,[Read More…]
Tag: drugged driving
Drugged Driving: A New Report
In America, every 52 minutes a person dies in an alcohol-related collision. When a driver has a blood alcohol level (BAC) of .08, they have a nearly 4 times greater crash risk. Many people falsely believe that driving after using marijuana is less impairing than after drinking alcohol. In Colorado,[Read More…]
Drug-Impaired Driving: A National Threat
The Heritage Foundation, a Washington D.C. based “think tank”, recently hosted an educational seminar focused on sharing research findings associated to the issue of drug-impaired driving. A summary of the information cited in the presentation is provided here as a reference guide to impaired driving and poly-drug usage. The summary[Read More…]
Impaired Driving in Colorado: 2016 – 2018 (Nov 2020)
In 2017, Colorado passed House Bill 17-1315 which requires the Colorado Department of Public Safety to annually produce a report regarding data associated with impaired driving in the state. One of the requirements was to include data not only for alcohol, but on other drugs to include marijuana. As with[Read More…]
Vaping or Smoking: An Early Look at Impairment
Currently, there is scant policy or guidance when it comes to either smoking or vaping cannabis. Similarly there is no uniform policy as to the potency levels of products available in today’s public market; nor a complete understanding how the two administration methods (smoking v. vaping) can affect the user. [Read More…]