The United States Senate Caucus recently issued a report titled, “Cannabis Policy, Public Health and Safety, Issues and Recommendations”. The report focused on five (5) key areas: (1) Barriers to Researching Cannabis, (2) Impacts of Increased Cannabis Potency, (3) Cannabis Use on the Developing Brain, (4) Unregulated Products and (5) Cannabis Impaired Driving.
The National Marijuana Initiative (NMI) created a summary of the Caucus’s 59 page document by highlighting their findings, recommendations and key points with respect to issues stemming from today’s marijuana in America.
The role of the Senate Caucus is to encourage government and programs in the private sector, “seeking to expand international cooperation against drug abuse and narcotics trafficking.” To learn more about the Senate Caucus or to read the entire report, go to:
Summary Read Time: <10 minutes
Photo: National HIDTA Assistance Center