When comparing daily use rates of cannabis to daily alcohol consumption, cannabis users are now 7.4 times more likely to engage in daily use compared to alcohol drinkers. Self-reported cannabis use, in the last 30 days, was nearly 4 times higher than alcohol usage for the same metric. From 1992[Read More…]
Author: admin
Cannabis, Teens, and Poor Academic Outcomes
Teens who use cannabis are at a greater risk for poor academic performance, such as being absent from school, or dropping out of school. This new study released October 7, 2024, in JAMA pediatrics, also suggests that cannabis use during adolescence can lower grades, decrease later enrollment into universities and[Read More…]
Midwest Impact Report, 2024
The Midwest HIDTA’s seven-state area consists of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the three Illinois counties of Madison, Rock Island, and St. Clair. The region spans over 428,000 square miles, encompasses 73 HIDTA-designated counties, and is considered the largest of the Office of National Drug Control[Read More…]
Gallup Survey: America’s Negative Opinion of Cannabis in ‘24
According to Gallup’s latest marijuana poll released August 20, 2024, more Americans now see marijuana’s use and its effects in a more negative perspective than they did in 2023. The 2024 survey involved telephone interviews with U.S. adults (N=1,010). When asked if marijuana use was either “somewhat” or “very” harmful,[Read More…]
Increased Risk of Oral, Head, & Neck Cancers from Those with Cannabis Use Disorders
Individuals with a cannabis use disorder (CUD) have a 3 to 8 times higher risk of developing a “head and neck cancer” (HNC) when compared to non-cannabis users. These are among the findings of a new study released in JAMA Otolaryngology this week. Historically, these types of cancers have been[Read More…]
Health Risks: Rolling Papers with Hazardous Chemical Elements
Recent research supports the health risks of marijuana use due to the presence of heavy metals and other chemical elements found in the plant. Now the same health warning, extends to the use of rolling papers, also contaminated with chemical elements, primarily for color. Of the 26 chemical elements found[Read More…]
Commercial Cannabis: Tested levels of THC lower than labeling on package
The National Marijuana Initiative (NMI) in a partnership with the University of Mississippi, Natural Products Laboratory, conducted research into the actual THC potency of cannabis products in the commercial marketplace. University researchers found that 70% of the commercial cannabis flower they analyzed, failed to meet the claimed THC potency level, as[Read More…]
Mr. Bill Lynch RPh. Marijuana & Rx Drug Interactions, The Hazards & Dangers. 02-22-24. (70 minutes)
Click on “Watch on YouTube”
Cannabis Use: Associated with Increased Risk of Heart Attacks & Strokes
When compared to those who do not use cannabis, daily cannabis users have a 25% greater risk of a heart attack. The authors noted that, “Cannabis has a strong, statistically significant associations with adverse cardiovascular outcomes…” Published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA / 02-28-24), “Association of[Read More…]
Recreational Marijuana Legalization: Workplace Injuries Increase
Reported workplace injuries, in workers ages 20 – 34 years, increased by 10% after recreational marijuana laws were adopted. In the 2 – 3 years following legalization, reported workplace injures increased for this same age group. This was not the case in older workers who saw a decline in workplace injuries[Read More…]